Monday, December 1, 2008

labels in arc

Well, i think my blog posts keep getting more depressing and frantic as the days go by...and this one isn't much better. I'm getting so behind in everything and it doesn't help that i was deathly ill for the entire thanksgiving break and couldn't do anything to get caught up. It's a sick irony if you ask me...literally. So today we learned how to do labels in arcgis and it's cool but i think there is way too much too it than is necessary. It's pretty ridiculous. I don't even have my shapefiles drawn so i had to make a quick one in order to do anything today. So i'm probably going to forget everything i learned today which kills me because i want to learn this stuff...i just have huge research papers in every other class i have and don't have time for this assignment. I just don't. I'm sorry. Anyway, like i said, it was cool to learn how to do the labels and that it can do all of that.
As far as my favorite internet site goes...probably facebook...i dont' surf the internet hardly at all.

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