Monday, September 8, 2008

Word 07 A-HA ./ Scars

Well, today we learned about how to more effectively use Microsoft Word 2007. I've been using it for at least a year now so not too much was new, but there was one thing that struck that i didn't know before. That was how to set the tabs under page layout and then paragraph. This comes in helpful when you are building such things as a table of contents and you can automatically set your tabs. It was very cool.
Now, i have a funny scar story. When i lived in Washington state back in '94 (i was in second grade) i would always love to ride my bike around and then speed into the garage, slam on the brakes, and do a cool little skid on the concrete. Well, as i was speeding home one day, i flew into the garage and went to slam on my brakes and low and behold, they didn't work at all. I had no brakes. So, i went flying right into the back wall of the garage full speed and some little sharp thing sliced my left shin open. There was green stuff coming out and it was really cool. I remember i felt really tough because i didn't cry. But it cleaned up just fine and now i have a scar on my shin from that moment so long ago. And that's my sweet scar story.

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