Monday, October 20, 2008

Mini assignment 3!

So i have been practicing my photshop skills (which have a long way to go don't get me wrong) and have come up with something. I found this scanned image of this sweet heavy weight lifter kid online and decided to doctor it up a bit. This is what i did. I adjusted the level of the picture to make the colors more real. Before it was really light. I set the white as the guys shirt, the black as the black type on the top, and the grey tone as the handle bar of the weights. Then, i used the dodge tool to do some lightening up. At the top of the page i lightened up the top part of "weightlifting" to give it a cooler affect and i also touched up the "Rover" symbol to make it lighter. Then, i made the kids shoes, socks, and bandages and his shins lighter with the dodge tool. Finally, the white letters behind him were touched up as well. Then, with the burn tool, i made his skin darker, especially his face to look like he had been working a lot harder! I also darkened up the gym floor. Then, using the paint and brush tools i made the words and symbols behind him more yellow and pronounced. Oh, and i forgot to say that i also made the weights themselves darker. So yeah, there ya have it. I'm pretty sure that's all i did to that picture, but it looks a lot better, trust me!
Now, as far as a sports fan goes I do like sports. But, there was never that one sport that i was crazy over. I can pretty much play any sport but i am not necessarily really good at any. I love to play but i'm not a fanatic about any in particular. Unless you are talking about ultimate frisbee. I love that sport, but it's not really an official sport with a huge following. I do love to play though.

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